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Laser Teeth Brightening

Laser teeth brightening empowers us to enhance your tooth radiance by up to 8 shades in just a single session.

Behold! A cutting-edge dental brilliance procedure that can subtract years from your appearance within a brief 45-minute session. At Oradell Dental Associates, we’re enthusiastic about aiding you in attaining the smile that befits you. Zoom illumination, crafted by Philips, stands as the top-requested professional teeth enhancement technique, proficiently illuminating your teeth by up to eight shades. Indeed, it stands out as the favored choice due to its consistent results, remarkable convenience, and minimal post-treatment tooth sensitivity.
Commencing with shielding the gums and lips, the procedure exposes only the teeth. A lightened bleaching gel, activated by a laser, expedites the brightening process, revealing beautifully white teeth. Zoom whitening eliminates the need for trays, prolonged strip wear, or any other cumbersome routines. The advanced gel gently infiltrates the sub-micron pores of tooth enamel, breaking down stains and eliminating years of discoloration.

What leads to teeth yellowing?

Teeth discoloration may result from various factors, such as genetics, environmental influences, or medication. Consuming certain foods or drinks can cause surface stains penetrating the dentin, the second layer of your teeth, darkening the overall appearance due to the translucent nature of the enamel. This, in turn, results in yellowed teeth.

On average, the enhancement endures 1-2 years, contingent on individual behaviors and habits prone to restaining teeth.

No, the process is generally pain-free. Individuals may experience minimal tooth sensitivity post-treatment, but it’s temporary.

Following your in-office bleaching, we recommend abstaining from dark foods or drinks for 48 hours. Steer clear of beverages like wine, cola, or tea, and avoid dark foods such as cherry pie or soy sauce.

Frequently asked, we substantiate its safety with the following research article:

Bear in mind, bleaching solely affects natural teeth! It does not alter the color of crowns, veneers, or composites you may have in your mouth.

Yes, it can be combined with other cosmetic dentistry procedures. Consult with our dental team to discuss the best approach for your specific goals.

While Zoom is designed to minimize sensitivity, individuals with pre-existing sensitivity concerns should discuss their condition with our dental team to determine the best approach.

Zoom Advantages: Achieve an 8-shade brighter smile, Painless, Minimal Irritation, All in just one session. Curious if Zoom suits you? Reach out to us to find out.

Get in touch! Set up a consultation today.