Even if the crack in your tooth isn’t immediately visible, any sensation you feel could signify a need for your dentist’s evaluation. Ignoring such symptoms could lead to infections as bacteria can penetrate deep into the tooth, potentially causing pulp death or even tooth splitting. None of these outcomes are desirable.
And the best part? There’s a range of crown options available, providing both durability and cosmetic enhancement, allowing you to confidently showcase a uniform smile without anyone suspecting any dental work.
Typically, a crown procedure involves two visits. During your initial appointment, precise molds (or impressions) of your teeth will be taken to create a customized crown. A temporary crown will also be crafted to protect your tooth until the permanent crown is ready.
While your tooth is numbed, any decay will be removed, and the surface will be shaped to accommodate the crown. Once prepared, a temporary crown will be placed, and your bite will be checked for proper alignment. The permanent crown will be fabricated to match your tooth’s color and fit precisely. Remember, the temporary crown is temporary, so it won’t match your teeth perfectly.
During your second appointment, the temporary crown will be replaced with the permanent one after ensuring the fit and bite alignment are accurate. You’ll receive instructions on caring for your new crown and be advised to schedule regular dental check-ups. Mealtime should be enjoyable, not uncomfortable or painful. Call today to schedule a consultation, or inquire about crown procedures during your next visit to your Oradell dentist or hygienist.